Feb 23, 2023Liked by jim peden

Solar astrophysicist Dr Valelntina Zharkova's (She's Ukrainian; works in UK) important work can be found on Youtube (for now) if you look for it.

Dr Zharkova, Engineers, and geologists pay attention to the banned website "Electroverse" which is censored but which you can still find and bookmark, and subscribe to the occasional newsletter. A lay person can follow it easily, and it categories articles to make it user friendly.

The "coinciding" low-sunspot cycles we are now entering is called the "Eddy Minimum" which will last until about 2053. This means erratic growing seasons and food production, -- even before the shortage of fertiliser.

An important consideration not mentioned is that low sunspot activity has knock-on effects on the electromagnetic charge of the earth's core, which increases vulcanism, earthquakes, and resultant tsunamis. Low Sunspot activity indirectly influences the sea currents, (keep an eye on the Gulf Stream, and the important gyre currents.) Sunspot activity Also influences the cycle of magnetic pole-shift.

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Jim - interesting stuff about sun-spots, climate change is hugely complex but certainly exploring extraterrestrial causes must add to the quality of our models.

The impact of mankind on this planet can be clearly seen - it would be unlikely that pollution, warfare and the destruction of nature did not have any effect. Surprisingly the Covid lockdowns do not appear to have had a measurable impact - "the annual temperature and rainfall did not change significantly" (https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/research/news/2021/how-did-covid-19-lockdowns-affect-the-climate).

I believe the focus on 'net zero' is a fudge - electric vehicles and heat pumps need power and despite investment in solar and wind, fossil fuels will continue to be the main source. Unless, of course, we can get our nuclear act together (you were wondering!).

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Jan 30, 2023Liked by jim peden

Nice work Julie - logo 4 is appropriate, many heads speaking as one? Adding the colours from logo 3 might be cool. Logo 2 not so good, looks like a blazer badge!

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“confidamus invicem”. But I’m not sure about the Latin. Esperanto? Or something from the Tao? Very interesting politically. The yin yang symbol?

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